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DIY: Replacement Of Windows In A Shed

In this article, we'll take a new windowless barn door as an example so you don't have to remove the glass slats. We will use economical (extruded) plexiglass to replace the window glass. Please note that we can cut it to the size of your choice for free. If you want to cut the plexiglass yourself, we recommend choosing a 20mm thick, transparent, cast acrylic sheet.

The difference between extruded acrylic and cast acrylic is in the production process of the plate. The extruded plexiglass (economical) is thus laminated to the desired thickness after molding. This process creates tension on the sheet, which makes it more fragile.

This type of plexiglass is, therefore, more difficult to machine than the cast version. On the other hand, it is the most economical choice if you need glass for applications that are not very stressed, such as a barn door window in our example.

Step 1: Remove the glass slats

To decide on the size of the acrylic sheet you should order, first, remove the glass slats from the window that needs to be replaced. You need to measure the size of the space in the frame without the glass slats. Remove the glass slats using a pair of scissors or screwdriver to pop them out.

Step 2: Measure the window

Then measure the size of the window and subtract 2mm all around. This will allow you to take into account the expansion of the plexiglass in the event of a temperature variation.

Step 3: Apply the glass tape

Apply glass tape around the frame, 2mm from the edge. Then glue glass tape to the back of the glass slats, again 2 mm from the edge.

Step 4: Position the window

Fill the rebate with filler plates about 3mm thick, also called glass cubes. Then position the plexiglass window in the frame.

Step 5: Secure the window slats

Now you need to fix the glass slats. Use a drill for this.

Step 6: Finishing the window

Last step: give your shed window a neat and secure finish with window glue. Do this on the front and back of your window. Note that glue must also be applied between the glass and the glass slats. Clean your window: warm water and with an anti-static cleaner. Your window is now closed!

Order custom-cut plexiglass:

Are you planning to replace a window yourself and need plexiglass? We offer you to saw the sheet free of charge for you, to the size of your choice.

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